After 3.5 weeks of perfect climbing in squamish it's time to leave. I could spend a great time here and met many good people. The last few days there were a bit too eventful for my life. After I climbed freeway I passed out and hit the ground with my head (I wont post a picture here :). Then someone crashed my car. And before the bad weather came to squamish I took my first whipper on a nut. Harry gave my a good catch but I twisted my ankle on the slab underneath me. The last two days were hard to walk but I'll be back on track soon. Harry, the austrian guy decided to join me on my way to the rocky mountains, so we thought we should have a special meal on our last evening in squamish. The next pictures will show you our expedition...
And not to forget, on the picture above you can see the normal life at the cooking shelter, thank you squamish!